I have been told on numerous occasions I'm impressionable. I am moulded by media , and heavily influenced by the 'norms' it portrays to me. Its kind of like my bible... it answers all the niggling questions i may have about fashion, lifestyle, how to act in awkward situations, how to tell my boss 'i hate you', whilst looking fabulous at the same time. Like i said, its a bible of wealth not to be taken lightly. So when it opened my eyes to the Yuppie lifestyle i was instantly intrigued.
The best definition of Yuppie i came across: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=yuppie
This summed up what lifestyle i wanted to have, i wanted to set myself apart, i wanted to be different. This called for action!! Why not move to the city? Cocktails, clothes, men....oh my! In the city you can become whoever you desire, you can melt into the grey midst or you can shine with your own stripes!
Everyone will remember the famous scenes from such great epics such as Gossip Girl, and Sex and the City. The well know formula of girl meets city, girl meets boy and girl falls in love! Simple..... ?!? some may say programmes like this tarnish your perceptions of real life, and i can safely say my relationship ideals are truly infant in their nature...
So, i want to put this to the test... Can women and men alike live by this simple formula? Find love, and run off into the sunset linked arms, through daisy fields, ending up happily ever after?There's only one way to find out. Get ready city... I hope your ready for me...